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Best Water Filtration, Treatment, & Purification Methods for Back Country Hunting

by Justin Shaffer

On day eight of a seven-day Dall sheep hunt, we watched three rams feed around the corner and out of sight. My partner said, “It’s now or never, drop your pack and let’s go before they’re gone for good”. Mistake number one I know, but sheep fever is real and can make even the most seasoned backpack hunter do dumb stuff.

Fast forward 18 hours later, add in a brutal cold, nearly hypothermic night huddled under a survival blanket that I’ll never forget, and two dead rams. We got it done, but dropping our packs on the mountain to chase those sheep cost us then and we would continue to pay for it later.

Now, sitting in the bottom of the drainage 4,000 vertical feet below our packs and baking in the sun, we were exhausted and thirsty. Years of military training and hunting experience told me not to drink from the trickle of water flowing through the rocks next to our feet. But all it took was one little nudge from my buddy saying, “I’ve been drinking the water up here for years and I’ve never gotten sick”, for me to slurp up my fill from the seep. That was mistake number two.

I didn’t know it then, but a week later, I was sick, living in my bathroom. A visit to the E.R. confirmed what I already knew, I had Giardia. To add insult to injury, it was a rare strain of Giardia that the doctor said could possibly get worse with antibiotics, so I had to ride this one out. I don’t know if he was telling me the truth or was just teaching me a lesson. The only bright side at this point was that I wasn’t alone, yep that’s right, my partner got sick too.

Three weeks later and 20+ pounds lighter in body weight, I was finally feeling somewhat back to being functional. That was 20 years ago and there hasn’t been a drop of untreated water that’s gone into my body while in the backcountry ever since. I just won’t take that chance again; I always take the time to make sure that my water is treated.


There are multiple ways to treat water in the field and I’ve used them all. Opinions as to which is the best vary as much as the different options available. I’m not here to tell you which method is best for you, only that I can’t recommend treating your water enough, no matter how clean or safe you think it is to drink. Here are some of the pros and cons for some of the most popular water treatment options on the market today.

Hunter Sitting on Ground in Valo Camouflage Boiling Water with Jetboil


This is by far the oldest and arguably the best and most well-known method there is. It’s effective at treating the full spectrum of biological pathogens. Once water has reached its boiling point of 220 degrees Fahrenheit or 100 Celsius, the pathogens are already dead. Typically speaking, it takes 1-3 minutes at full boil, depending on elevation before the water is fully safe to drink.


  • Boiling water will kill all types of microorganisms including viruses, parasites and bacteria.


  • It’s a time-consuming process that requires you to wait for your water to cool enough to drink.
  • Limited to the amount of water you can boil by your pot size.
  • Doesn’t filter out any silt or debris.

Hunter in Vias Camouflage Pumping Filtered Water into KUIU Platypus 3L Hoser


Water filter pumps are probably the most popular method on the market today for backcountry hunters. Most pumps have 2 hoses with a pumping mechanism that runs the water through a cartridge made of ceramic or some type of synthetic filter. In the simplest of terms, dirty water goes in through one hose, through the filter that strains out protozoan cysts and bacteria and comes out clean through the other hose.


  • They are fast and easy to use with the ability to filter lots of water at a time.
  • Most filters are replaceable or can be cleaned when needed.
  • Water can be extracted from seeps and shallow pools.


  • Pumping water can be a chore sometimes, especially at the end of a long day.
  • You must remember to replace the filters or clean when needed.
  • Potential for cross contamination with the two hoses.

Hunter Wearing Left Axis Glove in Vias Camouflage Holding Aquamire Purification Tablets


A simple, tried, and true method of purifying water is using chemical drops or tablets typically of an iodine or chlorine dioxide base. You simply add the directed number of drops or tablets to your water container and wait for the specified time. It’s effective against protozoa, bacteria and viruses.


  • Lightweight and no bulk.
  • Inexpensive.
  • Easy to use.


  • Doesn’t filter out any silt or debris.
  • Wait times can be anywhere from 15 minutes to several hours depending on water temps.
  • Iodine products aren’t effective against Cryptosporidium.

Water Filtration Bag Hanging from Aspen Tree Filtering Water into 32oz Wide Mouth Water Bottle


Simply stated, in this system you’re using gravity to force the water through a filter. You fill up the bag from your water source, find a place to hang it and wait. Over time, the dirty water will be pulled through the filter and out the other side, clean and safe to drink, filtering out protozoans, bacteria, and viruses.


  • Gravity takes care of the work for you.
  • You can do a large volume of water at one time.
  • Filters are replaceable.


  • These systems are big and bulky, not ideal for most backpack style hunts. Great for base camps.
  • The process is slow depending on the size of the bag and cleanliness of the water to start.
  • Can leave an aftertaste or need a drink mix flavor to hide the chemical taste.
  • Can be very difficult to fill the bag in smaller seeps and water sources, plus you need somewhere to hang it from to work.

Front, Angled View of Hunter Purifying Water with SteriPen in KUIU 32oz Wide Mouth Water Bottle


This is a handheld water treatment device that uses ultraviolet light to purify your water. Simply insert the tip of the pen into your water bottle, push the button and stir for approximately 60 seconds. It will eliminate bacteria, protozoans and viruses making it safe to drink.


  • Compact and lightweight.
  • The process is fast and easy.
  • No cleaning of any elements or filters.


  • Requires the use of batteries.
  • You must prefilter any dirt/ debris or start with clearer water; dirty water can impair the UV lights effectiveness.
  • Can only purify a liter of water in a single treatment.

Hunter Sitting on Ground in Valo Camouflage Pouring Filtered Water into KUIU 32oz Wide Mouth Water Bottle


This is a very broad category of filters with lots of options and sizes to choose from. Whether its an inline hose model, a bottle screw on type or a squeeze bag filter, it’s a very similar process to getting clean water. Essentially, they offer a fill and drink process that runs the water from the container through a filter whether it’s a built-in model or an add on feature.


  • It’s a fast and easy process to get clean water.
  • Generally compact and lightweight.
  • Cost effective compared to many other filters.


  • Limited to the size of the container it’s attached to.
  • The filter system must be cleaned regularly.


Taking the time to treat your water in the back country or on any hunt is vital to maintaining your health. Not all water sources contain bacteria and parasites that can harm you, but they should be treated like they do. Even the clearest, most pristine looking water can make you sick.

Whichever method of treating water you decide is right for you, use something, not some of the time, but all the time.

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