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Small Deer/Antelope Game Bag Set Image
Color:  White-Orange
Small Deer/Antelope Game Bag Set
High strength and breathable fabric to protect your game meat from debris and flies.

13% Set Savings

Elk/Caribou Large Game Bag Set Image
Color:  White-Orange
Elk/Caribou Large Game Bag Set
High strength and breathable fabric to protect your game meat from debris and flies.

12% Set Savings


The purpose of KUIU’s field tested modular hunting pack system is owning one perfectly fitted frame and suspension—built just the way you want it—with the versatility of choosing from multiple hunting backpacks for any situation you face. KUIU's lightweight hunting packs fit all your hunting accessories with little additional weight, maximizing your endurance. Whether it’s a short morning day hunt, a quick overnight scouting trip, or a 14-day unsupported backpack hunt in the far-north, you may simply swap out any one of the five bags for the perfect hunting frame pack, every time.

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